5 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories

Burn Calories For Weight Loss   5 easy ways to burn calories How Do I Burn Calories? Weight loss requires three things:  Eat less calories  Burn more calories  Supplement nutrition losses Healthy weight loss requires a strategic plan involving the above three...

Sports Vision Training

Get Quicker With Sports Vision Training    3 Drills To Improve Your Sports Performance   No matter what sport you play there is a common trait. You have a target and you have to hit it. With basketball you have to throw a ball into the net. In baseball you...

Grease the groove

Get Stronger and Move Better   Grease the groove with three simple techniques When I first started getting into kettlebell training back in 2002.  Pavel Tsatsouline, my kettlebell instructor, would constantly talk about “greasing the groove”.   This is a concept...

Watch Your Noggin

Watch Your Noggin   Avoid Bashing Your Head – 3 Ways To Keep Your Balance Are you afraid of falling?  Maybe you’re still pretty good at catching yourself when you stumble.  Either way, the approach to improving or maintaining your balance skills so you...

Let’s Get NEAT

Let’s Get Neat   Burn More Fat Doing Less Weight loss strategies using NEAT NEAT is an acronym that stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis.  Virtually anything that you do throughout the day that isn’t planned exercise falls into the NEAT...